
“Where you look affects how you feel.”

— Dr. David Grand

What is Brainspotting?

Watch David Grand, PhD, founder of Brainspotting International explain the mechanism, technique, and desired effect of brainspotting.


Please take a look at the diagrams below. Understanding our biology will better help us understand the path towards healing!

  • Notice the placement of the optic nerve in the brain. It goes directly into the place in our brain that holds our emotions, which is the midbrain and brain stem.

  • Notice where our Autonomic Nervous System originates in the brain and goes down into our organs and extremities.

  • The seat of our emotions and our bodily sensations (heartbeat, digestion, breathing, etc) are also found in the midbrain and brainstem as well. Those parts of our brain – brainstem and midbrain – are responsible for ensuring our survival.


Let’s Better Understand Our Process

Below is a 20-minute video that shows the anatomy of the brain as well as its underlying functions. For our purposes, you may begin at minute marker 4:00. This section of the video focuses on the part of the brain that causes our trigger responses, causing anxiety, reactivity, impulsivity, etc.


Brainspotting Research & Articles